the auspice of Prime Minister U. Khurelsukh, “First State Congress of
Scientific Workers” has started at the State House. In this state congress, 800
scientists and researchers will summarize the current achievements in science
and technology in Mongolia and will discuss the intensification of science,
technology and innovation policies adopted by the state and will define their
future development goals. Prime
Minister U. Khurelsukh attended the opening ceremony of the congress. He mentioned
that there is no substantial investment and reform on science development over
the past 30 years. Every government has promised to "support science"
and "implement science-based policies," but in real, their promises
end with responses of "will support when got the sufficient money". The
Prime Minister considers that Mongolian government is responsible for promoting
and supporting the working conditions of scientists and researchers, especially
the young researchers since our youths have been shown in the world that Mongolia
has a high intellectual potential. The government now plans to reform a policy
and legal environment, plan for rationalization, clarify the material base,
equipment, funding, human resource capacity, and management for the science and
technology development.
Currently, about 4300 people have employed in the field of science and 65
organizations of public and private research institutes and centers have been conducting
scientific works in Mongolia.