Program of a week-long flight of cosmonauts, J. Gurragchaa and B.A.Janibekov
Program of a week-long flight of cosmonauts, J. Gurragchaa and B.A.Janibekov

It is the 39th anniversary of Mongolian space flight.

J. Gurragchaa, a Mongolian citizen and cosmonaut, and V.A. Janibekov, a former Soviet Union cosmonaut, took off to the space on Soyuz-39 spaceship from Baikonur cosmodrome of the former USSR on March 22, 1981, at 2:58 p.m. They spent a week, 20 hours and 42 minutes in space, orbited the Earth 124 times in a total of eight days, and successfully landed on Earth on March 30.

Mr. Gurragchaa Jugderdemid was the first person in Mongolia, the second in Asia and the 101st in the world who made the journey into outer space.

For detail information on international pilots, please refer to -

Below is the program of a week-long flight 

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