Mongolian Academy of Sciences /MAS/ held an online meeting first time among its institute managing directors. The online meeting was chaired by the MAS president Regdel Duger and directors of all 14 institutes attended to discuss about progress reports of their works and exchanged their views of quarantine regulations.
In the beginning of the online meeting, MAS president said “We are facing pandemic spread of Corona virus in the world. Many activity procedures are changed and the world is moving to a new regime as authorities of the main power countries are saying. As a result of prompt and appropriate measures taken by our government, Mongolia is currently free of internal outbreaks. It is direct effort of Mongolian people awareness to follow government`s policy of containment of the virus infection. We need to keep this track until the Corona virus spread vanish from the World, even though this is reaching to the peak of global spread recently. Therefore, it is the most important for us that we have to follow our government track force and all the organization units have to be aware of quarantine regulation”. Then he gave hints to work efficiently during the quarantine as follows:
· As Government organizations and companies told to avoid mass crowd and provide employees to have paid home quarantine with online working plan. Thus, we need to include more people to online working list along with mothers with children aged 0-12 years. Each institute will allocate online work according to their research specifics.
· Our planned work in year of 2020, such as General assembly which was supposed to hold in the first quarter and other international and domestic activities have been postponed due to national quarantine. Review your institute year plan and look at the activities which has been postponed due to current situation by framework of the law, and work up on activities that can be done without any delay.
· Postpone the planned international conferences to the third or fourth quarter.
· Research work has to be done without any intermit. Consider to support incentives to researchers who worked regularly in the laboratory during the quarantine, in order to keep the consistency of research with its original quality. And coordinate them with shifts according to work pressure.
· Work on quality of journals published by research institutes of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Increase the use of the database flat forms funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture. Science and Sports /MECSS/ such as, and enhance the use of databases.
As reported by the managing directors of the MAS institutes that the institutes shifted to work online and it works normally. Despite we are following quarantine rules, researchers who need to work in the laboratory are working shifts for shorter hours with high prevention awareness.
Directors are also stated that the internationally cooperated activities and their field trip plans are pending according to prevention quarantine of the pandemic virus spread in the world.