The scientific and educational journal "Science Life"
of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences for the third quarter of 2021 was
published. This issue of the journal dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the
Mongolian Academy of Sciences highlights the biography of Academician Shirendev
B. And also published the full text of the research works of the researchers: article
by Dr. Khishigt N. “Academy of
Sciences of Mongolia /1961-1991/”, “Mongolian diamond meteorite crater as a new
type of kimberlite packing”, “Comparative study of morphological and genetic
changes in Fire lilies and Lilium pensylvanicum during introduction” and “Review
of the development of ethnographic science in Mongolia”.
In 1957, there was a strong earthquake in the Govi-Altai aimag, which led to the death of many people, in addition to the disappearance of the shepherd and his sheep in a fault abyss. The issue also covers the formation of two new lakes as a result of this quake, as well as major earthquakes in Mongolia and global statistics.
Honored Cultural Worker Dashnyam L. was invited to an interview, which was published under the title “The Journal is the bread of researchers”. This issue also provides an overview of scientific developments in the third quarter.